Nazmus Saquib. (2014). Mathematica Data Visualization. Packt Publishing Ltd. 146 pages. (Goodreads: 4.33/5)
Peer-reviewed Conference Publications
Nazmus Saquib, Rubaiat Habib Kazi, Li-Yi Wei, Gloria Mark, Deb Roy. 2021. “Constructing Embodied Algebra by Sketching.” (CHI 2021, Acceptance Rate: 26.3%).
Nazmus Saquib, Rubaiat Habib Kazi, Li-Yi Wei, Wilmot Li. 2019. “Interactive Body-Driven Graphics for Augmented Video Performance.” Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (CHI 2019, Acceptance Rate: 23.8%)
Nazmus Saquib, Ayesha Bose, Dwyane George, and Sepandar Kamvar. 2018. “Sensei: Sensing Educational Interaction.” Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. (IMWUT) (December 2017), 27 pages. (Ubicomp 2018, Acceptance Rate: 26%)
Md Naimul Hoque, Nazmus Saquib, Syed Masum Billah, and Klaus Mueller. 2020. “Toward Interactively Balancing the Screen Time of Actors Based on Observable Phenotypic Traits in Live Telecast.” Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 4, CSCW 2020, Article 154 (October 2020), 19 pages.
Peer-reviewed Journal Publications
Nazmus Saquib, William J Kossler, Matthew Deady. 2012. “Calculation of muon depth distributions in thin film single crystals.” Physics Procedia. Vol. 30.
Mairaj Syed, Danny Halawi, Behnam Sadeghi, Nazmus Saquib. 2019. “Verifying Source Citations in the Hadith Literature.” Journal of Medieval Worlds. Vol. 1 No. 3; (pp. 5-20).
Peer-reviewed Workshop Papers and Posters
Nazmus Saquib, Deb Roy. 2020. “Embodied Constructive Mathematics for Immersive Analytics.” 4th Workshop on Immersive Analytics: Envisioning Future Productivity for Immersive Analytics (IA 2020), CHI 2020.
Nazmus Saquib, Deb Roy. 2018. “Children-Centered Sensing in Early Childhood Classrooms.” Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (CHI EA '18). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Paper LBW055, 1–6. (Acceptance Rate: 39.8%)
Halima Akhter, Nazmus Saquib, Deeni Fatiha. 2018. “Studying oppressive cityscapes of Bangladesh.” Workshop Proceedings of Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2018). (Acceptance Rate: 35%)
Shoumik Sharar Chowdhury, Nazmus Saquib, et al. 2018 “Statement networks: a power structure narrative as depicted by newspapers.” Workshop Proceedings of Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2018). (Acceptance Rate: 35%)
Manash Kumar Mandal, Pinku Deb Nath, Arpeeta Shams Mizan, Nazmus Saquib. 2017. “A visual search engine for Bangladeshi laws.” Workshop Proceedings of Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2017).
Md Hoque, Rawshan E Fatima, Manash Kumar Mandal, Nazmus Saquib. 2017. “Evaluating gender portrayal in Bangladeshi TV.” Workshop Proceedings of Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2017).
Peer-reviewed Policy Paper
Nazmus Saquib. 2019. “Classroom Surveillance Technology: Privacy, Precision, Responsible Use.” Government Policy Briefing Book on Emerging Technology, 2019. (pdf)
Last updated: May 2021.